Restaurants & Dining
Offers Due in Spring for Solar Array in Oak Bluffs Oak Bluffs selectmen analyzed impelling designs for a sun stimulated pack at the landfill and heard idea for an Islandwide thriving complete at their party Tuesday. They furthermore heard from two business visionaries about new affiliations downtown. Liz Argo, a specialist from Cape and Vineyard Electric Cooperative (CVEC), reestablished the board on a test to present sun controlled sheets at the covered landfill off County Road and Pennsylvania street. "It's a staggering use for a land group that regardless can't be put to use," Ms. Argo said. "Similarly, what it would mean is money to the town." Ms. Argo said sun organized power passed on could be used for the town wastewater treatment office, and energy could be managed in a battery. There are all things considered, undefined sun filled foundations on shrouded landfills in various towns including Tisbury and West Tisbury. The town got an honor of $...